Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sweet Seventeen

So I was Goodwill hunting again yesterday. And behold I was a mighty huntress. Yesterday's Booty...

Radio La Chusma (local group...really good stuff)
Joe Satriani.....Flying in a Blue Dream
Alicia Keys.....The Diary of Alicia Keys
Tonic.....Lemon Parade (I have NO idea who or what this is. But sometimes I like to try something completely unfamiliar as a musical adventure)
En Vogue.....Funky Divas
Aaron Neville.....The Tattooed Heart
Kathleen Battle and Wynton Marsalis.....Baroque Duet
Paul McCartney.....Flaming Pie
Bruce Hornbsy and the Range.....A Night On the Town
Fine Young Cannibals.....The Raw & The Cooked
Toy Story 2 Soundtrack (my boys are thrilled)
Barbra Streisand.....Memories (the duet You Don't Bring Me Flowers always makes me think of my Dad)
Andrea Bocelli.....Aria
Harry Connick Jr.....20
Jackson Browne.....World In Motion
Brandon Heath.....Don't Get Comfortable
Phil Collins.....Both Sides

All told...this haul was less than 40 dollars. Not bad. Not bad at all! :D Any thoughts on any of my selections? What have you heard? What would you like to hear?


  1. well done,lamb. you'd love Dulce Pontes, Ott, Cat Empire, Chairlift, Snow Patrol.

    yrs in mischief,

  2. Your list brings to mind my favorite Barbara Streisand album I was always asking my mom to play. The song, "People" was my most favorite!

  3. looks like you scored! it's funny, what jumped out at me on this list is joe satriani's thing. the latest treasury i have waiting in my poster sketch is called flying in a blue dream. :-)
